Wir verlassen Krypton

Manche kleinen Erlebnisse haben doch größere Nachwirkungen als man denken mag. Man zieht zum Beispiel in eine neue Wohnung, und dort möchte man natürlich alles nach seinen eigenen Vorstellungen gestalten. Manchmal geht das besser, manchmal schlechter.
Ihr werdet nie glauben, was dann passiert ist....

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A year of the new normality

Today it has been a year since I have been to the office. Well I have been in the office for the odd day or three, but that's it. A year where everything was turned upside down. And I want to take this occasion to look back on that year. Because whatever the last year meant to me, to you, to us, goo...

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A new Blog

So! Another Homepage! Another Blog! Am I ever going to learn? Probably not.

My last homepage contained a blog. And I stopped writing stuff there about 6 years ago. So this is what my brain did when I created this site:



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